
The United States has made shopping for clothes easy and inexpensive. But at what cost? The human rights of people all over the world are constantly exploited and violated. They work for U.S. companies in factories known as sweatshops. In these sweatshops, employees are given long work hours, measly wages, and horrible working conditions. In order to prevent these sweatshops and change the way companies manufacture their clothing we have to take action and stand up for the people who cant do it themselves. In order to protect their rights we have to advocate and demand for sweatshop free products from the companies we buy from. We have to educate and be educated about this issue. We CAN change how these companies function; we just have to take act as a community and take the first steps to end this era of sweatshops.

About Me

My name is Anthony Duong and I just turned 18 years old. I graduated in the top ten from Montwood High School and was a member of 2 clubs as well as the school orchestra. I am currently attending The University of Texas At El Paso in hopes of becoming a pharmacist. As a freshman, I am completing the prerequisites for pharmacy school and hopefully by my junior year, I will be at UT Austin attending pharmacy school. I enjoy helping people in any chance that I can; I like knowing that I impacted their life in some way. This blog is to advocate for the human rights of people around the world. Many people have their rights violated in third world countries by U.S. Companies through sweatshops. Information about sweatshops will be provided as well as how to end this era of sweatshops. Other information will given through other links with the same objective.